André Stroet studied Physiotherapie at the "Twentse Akademie voor Fysiotherapie" (now known as SAXION High School in Enschede NL). With the "staatliche Anerkennung" he worked for almost ten years at his own Praxis in Greven (NRW). Afterwards he studied Sports Physiotherapy at the SWSF and did the upgrade at the Utrecht High School.
He was not only interested in the curative treatment but also in the prevention of sports related healthproblems.
His practical knowledge has helped him in the physical healthcare of tennis (Stützpunkt Greven) and football. His case study was: "Returning to football after a Herniated discus operation, is that possible?"
More than 20 years ago, he became interested in the shockwavetherapy. He attended the certification courses at ATRAD, ISMST and recently at the EMS Academy and has since accumulated nearly twenty years practical experience in this speciality.
To become more experienced in diagnosis, he trained in the Musculoskeletal Ultrasound Imaging (Fysus) followed by several Master application courses and several Advanced Courses. Also becoming more experienced in radiology images.
Recently he was added to the SDAC academy as trainer and became an active member of the Laser- and radial group around Prof. C. Schmitz
His expertise in the Shockwave Therapy has been used to train new students from the EMS Academy in the Netherlands. Many colleagues have already made used of his practical knowledge in the Shockwave.
In 2014 he started his Master Musculoskeletal Study (Msc) at the SOMT in Amersfoort NL. His case-report shows the effects of a shockwave treatment on a juvienile footballer suffering from the Osgood Schlatter disease.
(Special thanks to Donna Webb)
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